Work Experience

Able - The Help Beyond

A portal for Disable Peoples forfinding job easily and any organization can post any job for disable people

Skills Used:

Javascript , Jquery , Json , Firebase

Wikipedia Search

A Search Engine for Wikipedia pages and by this we can find any page of wikipedia with some description just like Google Search

Skills Used:

Javascript , Ajax , Wikipedia APIS , Bootstrap

Friend Chat box

A chat application like Whatsapp Group . We can connet easily by login with google

Skills Used:

Javascript , Json , jQuery, Firebase

Zenith Trail

A portal for student can easily find colleges and schools by your percentage and grades

Skills Used:

Javascript ,Php, MySql, Bootstrap


A Web application for college students by this they connect easily

Skills Used:

Javascript ,Json, Materializecss

Offers Web

Notification web Application of new offers coming in market.

Skills Used:

Javascript, Bootstrap

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